détails du produit + CHOOSE: 20 Leeches Delivered Weekly $99.00CHOOSE: 20 Leeches Delivered Monthly $99.00CHOOSE: 20 Leeches Delivered Yearly $99.00CHOOSE: 40 Leeches Delivered Weekly $180.00CHOOSE: 40 Leeches Delivered Monthly $180.00CHOOSE: 40 Leeches Delivered Yearly $180.00CHOOSE: 60 Leeches Delivered Weekly $270.00CHOOSE: 60 Leeches Delivered Monthly $270.00CHOOSE: 60 Leeches Delivered Yearly $270.00CHOOSE: 100 Leeches Delivered Monthly $450.00CHOOSE: Large LeechesCHOOSE: Small LeechesCHOOSE: Mixed Sizes Click "ENROLL" and follow the steps. Your supply of Leeches will begin shipping to you on a regular schedule, according to your selected frequency. You will receive a constant supply of Leeches, until you cancel. You will need to maintain this subscription for at least 3 consecutive cycles, before you can discontinue.